05:41duration 5 minutes 41 seconds
M. Session 3. Stacey & Micah- Life Events…
M. Session 3. Stacey & Micah- Life Events Section
22:01duration 22 minutes 1 second
G. Session 2. Stacey & Micah- Routines Section
06:16duration 6 minutes 16 seconds
K. Session 3. Cyndi- Strengths and Concerns…
K. Session 3. Cyndi- Strengths and Concerns Section
01:42duration 1 minute 42 seconds
P. Session 4. Stacey & Micah- Summary…
P. Session 4. Stacey & Micah- Summary Conversation
13:34duration 13 minutes 34 seconds
H. Session 2. Cyndi- Routines Section
03:55duration 3 minutes 55 seconds
I. Session 3. Lisa- How to do the Strengths and…
I. Session 3. Lisa- How to do the Strengths and Concerns Section
04:45duration 4 minutes 45 seconds
F. Session 2. Lisa- How to do the Routines Section