Awe-Science Videos (Grades K-2)
From Carrie Flinn April 28th, 2020
In this video you have a chance to do two experiments to learn about how our body changes some food into sugar it needs for energy and how another small living organism… -
From Megan Brear April 30th, 2020
Experiment with forecasting weather by building your very own barometer using only a few house hold items. -
From Berenice Iniguez April 29th, 2020
This is a K-2 science experiment about colors absorbing light and creating heat. I included the data I collected to explain what I found out and to help you interpret… -
From Katherine McGraw April 27th, 2020
With the activity in this video we will learn about an important process scientists use to help them separate the magic happen right before your eyes!… -
From Allison Sams April 30th, 2020
Do you want to actually enjoy your vegetables, but they always look lifeless and un-appetizing on your plate? Watch this video and follow me while I show you how to cook… -
From Ella Garrison May 1st, 2020
In this video, we will explore if our shadows change throughout the day, and why that might be. The Shadow Thermometer experiment is a hands-on, simple, outdoor activity… -
From Catherine Costigan April 29th, 2020
In this video you will learn how to build your own science model to show how waves work and understand how they use energy. Come sail away! Thank you for taking the… -
From Elizabeth Borlik April 30th, 2020
In these experiments we will learn two tests you can do easily at home to figure out sugar from salt...after all, you do not want to accidentally put salt in your… -
From Lena Stephens May 1st, 2020
Can we substitute white sugar when making cookies? Let's explore how different sweeteners can effect the taste of your favorite cookie. Now let's get ready to… -
From Brooklyn Aldridge April 30th, 2020
In this video you will learn how a water well works... how does it continue to have water in it when we take buckets and buckets out of it? Come along and we'll…