Ostrom Workshop Colloquium/Tocqueville Lectures 2017/18
From David Price January 23rd, 2018
Current cybersecurity risk modeling methodologies do not consider humans as risk initiators or mitigators. Human factors are considered primarily in terms of how users… -
From David Price January 29th, 2018
Drawing on ethnographic perspectives, this paper will explore the neoliberal imbrications defining cultural politics in Russia’s indigenous resource frontiers.… -
From David Price February 5th, 2018
While justice and rule-of-law strategies are being increasingly studied in regard to government behavior, new data on the use of transitional justice during armed… -
From David Price February 6th, 2018
Behavior in the realm of family and sexuality has changed rapidly over the past 70 years, with dramatic shifts in sexual relationships, courtship, marriage, divorce,… -
From David Price February 12th, 2018
This paper focuses on assessing productivity in basic research programs, and on how the ability to make these assessments insulates these programs from political… -
From David Price February 16th, 2018
In his new book, William Scheuerman systematically analyzes the most important interpretations of civil disobedience. Drawing out the striking differences separating… -
From David Price February 19th, 2018
Performance of investment products managed by firms in which PhDs play a key role is superior to the performance of products managed by otherwise similar firms. This… -
From David Price February 26th, 2018
Over two centuries, Colombia transferred vast quantities of land, equivalent to the entire UK landmass, mainly to landless peasants. And yet Colombia retains one of the… -
From David Price March 19th, 2018
When Auguste de Staël edited Jacques Necker’s complete works in fifteen volumes in 1821, the public was surprised to discover how prolific the former… -
From David Price March 26th, 2018
Much has been written in the social sciences about why and how institutions come about and gradually change. Less attention, however, has been paid to the questions of… -
From David Price April 2nd, 2018
Rangelands cover more of the earth’s land surface than any other type of land. In Africa, it is estimated that rangelands cover about 40% of the land mass, and… -
From David Price April 9th, 2018
This paper draws on new state-level panel datasets spanning 1936–2015 covering the three most valuable natural resources during the period—oil & gas,… -
From David Price April 16th, 2018
The growing economics literature on “Culture and Institutions” explores how these concepts influence each other. For example, Guiso et al. (2013) found that… -
From David Price April 23rd, 2018
Elinor Ostrom’s work challenging prevailing metaphors about how to solve “tragedies of the commons” had two profound impacts. First, it demonstrated… -
From David Price May 1st, 2018
We assemble original data from 112 countries around the world on the reelection rates of national legislators in recent elections. The data show that incumbent… -
From David Price September 11th, 2017
Do newly elected politicians correspond to the public interest after achieving political office? We show that politicians change their behavior once changing from one… -
From David Price September 18th, 2017
Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems are already being used to enhance our lives and to transform the way businesses operate. Businesses across a broad… -
From David Price September 20th, 2017
Self-governance is a fundamental aspect of democracy, and an essential foundation of societal cooperation and problem-solving in the United States. Vincent and Elinor… -
From David Price September 27th, 2017
Political pundit and academic book editor Damon Linker will discuss what it’s like to analyze and comment on current affairs at a time of intense political… -
From David Price September 25th, 2017
Why do some societies fail to adopt more efficient institutions in response to changing economic conditions? And why are such failures often associated with a rise in… -
From David Price October 2nd, 2017
Rebel groups in armed conflicts around the globe are often violators of international law. Yet, out of approximately 350 rebel groups in contemporary armed conflicts,… -
From David Price October 5th, 2017
Instead of asking “What is going on and why?” or “What should be done?” (the most typical questions in the social sciences), a citizen must ask… -
From David Price October 9th, 2017
During the early 20th century, the United States struggled with intense labor conflict, unstable institutions, geographic fragmentation, and economic uncertainty and… -
From David Price October 16th, 2017
One of the central difficulties in managing global commons problems is that the relevant actors often do not know which actions to take nor the cost and impact of… -
From David Price October 18th, 2017
Over the past three decades, decoupling has emerged as a regulatory strategy for promoting conservation, especially in the energy sector. Decoupling refers to the… -
From David Price October 23rd, 2017
Many leading environmental and security concerns now facing the international community may be traced to the frontiers, that is, the areas historically outside of… -
From David Price October 30th, 2017
In this paper, we expand existing conceptual tools from institutional analysis and common-pool resource theory to guide research on self-governing regimes. We use… -
From David Price November 6th, 2017
Popular narratives attribute poverty on Native American reservations today to historical resource expropriation and the resulting dearth of high-quality land, but the… -
From David Price November 10th, 2017
We have heard quite a bit in recent years about populism and especially, populism on the right. On the overall question of who should make policy, William F. Buckley… -
From David Price November 13th, 2017
Emerging natural system research has documented connections between water, energy, and food with an eye toward prescribing how to achieve greater efficiencies and to… -
From David Price November 27th, 2017
Private land conservation (PLC) mechanisms, such as conservation easements (CEs), create increasingly complex and potentially resilient regimes for securing and… -
From David Price December 1st, 2017
Democracy is the rule of the people. But what if the people have little clue what they’re doing? Democracy incentivizes voters to be biased, uninformed,… -
From David Price December 4th, 2017
Groundwater is one of the most challenging common-pool resources to govern, resulting in resource depletion in many areas. We present an innovative use of… -
From David Price December 1st, 2017
Democracy is the rule of the people. But what if the people have little clue what they’re doing? Democracy incentivizes voters to be biased, uninformed,…