Workshop: Leveraging Private Support for STEM Programs

A one-day workshop hosted by the Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence

Workshop participants are faculty and administrators from higher education institutions who care about and are or will be engaged in generating internal and external support for underrepresented minorities in STEM


At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Determine what the groundwork to be completed at their institution before approaching private sponsors
  2. Collaborate with appropriate university offices to identify potential private sponsors that align with the organization’s priorities
  3.  Able to articulate the project outcomes to communicate with potential funders
  4. Construct a draft plan of action to seek private funding 

This workshop was conducted on June 20, 2018, on the IUPUI campus and supported by the National Science Foundation award HRD- 1202563 (BD 2012-2019).

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 Public, Restricted
4 Media
1 Members

A one-day workshop hosted by the Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence

Workshop participants are faculty and administrators from higher education institutions who care about and are or will be engaged in generating internal and external support for underrepresented minorities in STEM


At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Determine what the groundwork to be completed at their institution before approaching private sponsors
  2. Collaborate with appropriate university offices to identify potential private sponsors that align with the organization’s priorities
  3.  Able to articulate the project outcomes to communicate with potential funders
  4. Construct a draft plan of action to seek private funding 

This workshop was conducted on June 20, 2018, on the IUPUI campus and supported by the National Science Foundation award HRD- 1202563 (BD 2012-2019).

A one-day workshop hosted by the Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence

Workshop participants are faculty and administrators from higher education institutions who care about and are or will be engaged in generating internal and external support for underrepresented minorities in STEM


At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Determine what the groundwork to be completed at their institution before approaching private sponsors
  2. Collaborate with appropriate university offices to identify potential private sponsors that align with the organization’s priorities
  3.  Able to articulate the project outcomes to communicate with potential funders
  4. Construct a draft plan of action to seek private funding 

This workshop was conducted on June 20, 2018, on the IUPUI campus and supported by the National Science Foundation award HRD- 1202563 (BD 2012-2019).

 Public, Restricted

4 Media
1 Members
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