Ostrom Workshop Colloquium/Tocqueville Lectures Spring 2016
From David Price January 27th, 2016
Conventional wisdom holds that democracy endures in rich countries but is unstable in poor ones. Building on Ansell and Samuels (2014), we suggest that the sources of… -
From David Price February 2nd, 2016
In his article “Virginia, Rochester, and Bloomington” (Public Choice, 1988), William C. Mitchell wrote: Aside from the family analogy, it seems that three… -
From David Price February 3rd, 2016
“Public utility” and “natural monopoly” have been misused in U.S. telecommunications policy debates. Opponents of network neutrality… -
From David Price February 9th, 2016
We analyze the economic determinants and long-run e↵ects of prior appropriation surface water rights from 1852 to 2013 and show how formal property rights… -
From David Price April 8th, 2016
Over a million square kilometers of the non-sovereign seafloor is under mineral exploration licenses and, by some assessments, an additional four million square… -
From David Price April 8th, 2016
We argue that the imposition of administrative boundaries on a policy domain has the potential to exacerbate cooperation and coordination dilemmas conditional on the… -
From David Price April 11th, 2016
Our government is failing us. From health care to immigration to poverty, our political institutions cannot deal effectively with the challenges of modern society. Why… -
From David Price April 18th, 2016
Japan has long been the most important ally of the United States in East Asia and it is widely viewed in Washington as a pillar of stability in the Asia-Pacific region.… -
From David Price April 25th, 2016
Over the last few decades, officials in environmental, health, and safety agencies at the federal and state levels have tried to promote public health protection…