Teaching @ IUPUI: Creating and Using Rubrics Effectively 2018, June 28
From Group CTL Group
From Group CTL Group
Rubrics make grading consistent and speedy, and increases transparency of assignments to students. Rubrics also make concrete a course’s and assignment’s learning objectives, which helps students become critical thinkers and to assess their own work. In this webinar, learn basic principles to streamline the creation of effective rubrics and think about ways to use rubric as a foundational element of a teaching and learning practice. The presenters will evaluate and discuss the merits of sample rubrics.
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshop series focused on foundational teaching skills, Teaching@IUPUI. Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.