Using LEGO® to Build Career Management Skills
From Karley Clayton
From Karley Clayton
While LEGO® Serious Play may sound more fun than productive, it’s actually a powerful coaching methodology that is growing in popularity among businesses, consultants, and educators. In this session, we’ll give an overview of LSP and how it works and utilizes established learning development theories. We will also take a look at how the BSU Career Center utilized it both as a staff development tool and as a coaching/workshop activity with students. Participants will leave with the ability to utilize some basic LSP activities in workshops themselves as well as information on how to pursue credentialling, should they wish to do so.
This session will be hosted by Dillon Waggoner. Dillon is an Assistant Director at the Ball State Career Center where he works directly with students in health and science majors. He and the rest of the team at BSU have contributed several presentations and resources to CDPI, MWACE, and NACE related to how games and play can be used in career and professional development. He is excited to continue learning more about how we can make learning more fun for everyone!