Research Technologies
Research technologies is the UITS department that provides systems and services in support of leading edge research. Their charge is to help the IU community reach discovery faster and more efficiently. RTs A-to-Z services benefit fields ranging from astronomy to zoology and everything in-between. RTs goal is to benefit the entire IU community, addressing the needs of researchers, artists, scholars, clinicians and engineers alike. Through their supercomputing for everyone philosophy, research technologies strives to bring more users into the realm of advanced computing, whether it be visualization, computation, analytics, storage or any related discipline. The research technology team provides expert consulting to help users connect with software and computing tools and show them how to utilize computing and storage resources for fast calculations and advanced simulations. They assist with apps and software for analytics and big data research, promote interactive models, virtual and augmented reality, and connect users with research services through training, seminars, workshops and tours. To learn more, e-mail