Cloud Technology Support
From Group IT Community Partnerships February 18th, 2019
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From Group IT Community Partnerships February 18th, 2019
The Cloud Technology Support Team provides approved access to the public cloud vendors such as Amazon web services, MS Azure, and Google Cloud Platform for compute application development, research and teaching. They also manage the IU box content platform for secure collaboration and storage. Each of the public cloud platforms provides innovative tools for researchers, developers and IT professionals looking to do anything from prototyping to spinning up massive amounts of compute for individual jobs. Users can be up and running in minutes rather than taking weeks to purchase, plan, configure and implement a service.
Public cloud services allows users to minimally provision, dynamically scale, and meet their demand efficiently. The cloud provides high availability and is also a great platform for offsite backups and disaster recovery. Developers appreciate getting the right to work with services such as database, orchestration services and storage without having to build and configure them. Server-less technology allows users to move even farther away from the server by allowing them to develop applications without worrying about keeping servers patched. The public cloud platforms are also useful for data analytics, image rendering, state-of-the-art processing and compute power, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
For faculty interested in teaching cloud technology or teaching on cloud technology, the cloud technology support team can help navigate the variety of free courses, course credits, and the pros and cons of each vendor's offerings. Please contact us at with any questions, and subscribe to the list to receive notifications concerning cloud news as it becomes available.