Dorms, Distance, and Diaries: My Research Project Travels 2022-2023 in search of 19th-Century Children's Diaries - Alisa Clapp-Itnyre
Dorms, Distance, and Diaries: My Research Project Travels 2022-2023 in search of 19th-Century Children's Diaries
Dr. Clapp-Itnyre's talk will be about the four English-speaking nations she has researched to date for children’s diaries, most recently America/New England (2022 Faculty Research Grant) and New Zealand and Canada (2023 Faculty Research Grant).
Dr. Alisa Clapp-Itnyre is a Professor of English at Indiana University East, Richmond, Indiana. She is the author of Hymn Books for Children, 1800-1900: Re-Tuning the History of Childhood (Ashgate/Routledge, 2016), Angelic Airs, Subversive Songs: Music as Social Discourse in the Victorian Novel (Ohio UP, 2002), and is co-editor, with Julie Melnyk, of “Perplext in Faith:” Essays on Victorian Beliefs and Doubts (Cambridge Scholars, 2015). She has articles published in Victorian Literature and Culture, Victorian Poetry, Victorians, Brontë Studies, Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, and the forthcoming Reading Texts in Music and Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century (ed. Weliver and Ellis). She runs the academic website of children’s hymn-singing at