LSMCE Webinar: Social Media Campaigns with Alec Gates, Ph.D.
From Deb Cole February 14th, 2018
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From Deb Cole February 14th, 2018
Social Media Campaigns for Dissemination and Recruitment for LSAMP and Other Diversity Programs
Dr. Alec Gates will share the results from the Garden State LSAMP social media campaign research project. The study yielded outstanding results, reaching more than 160,000 people in the target area. This workshop will present the results of the different experiments and prescribe the most effective use of social media for LSAMP programs and other diversity programs. The methods for creating an effective social media campaign will be presented and detailed for adoption, including discussions on development, interaction with Facebook, and reporting results.
Eves, D. (2013, August 22). How to Create a
Facebook Page [Video file]. Retrieved from