Ta-Nehisi Coates
From Group RTVS Video Archive November 28th, 2017
From Group RTVS Video Archive November 28th, 2017
Writer, Journalist, and Educator
Senior Editor for The Atlantic
Throughout the past year or more—since Ferguson and the horrifying string of incidents of police brutalizing black citizens; since Charleston and the campaign to remove the confederate flag from the South Carolina Statehouse; since the sudden attention and alarm at the incredibly high levels of incarceration in this country—Ta-Nehisi Coates has emerged as an essential guiding voice for an anguished public dialogue. A senior editor at The Atlantic, Coates became widely known for his powerful argument for reparations to African Americans for the legacy of slavery. Author of an acclaimed memoir The Beautiful Struggle: A Father, Two Sons and an Unlikely Road to Manhood (2008), Coates has recently published Between The World and Me, a characteristically direct, impassioned, and historically rich essay about being black in America, written as a letter to his 15-year-old son.
This event is in partnership with the School for Public & Environmental Affairs (SPEA) and the Media School @ Indiana University.