Search for tag: "baseball"

c101 Ch 2 V 4.2

+9 More
From  Kimberly Arnold 1,329 plays 0  

Dr. K's Entrepreneurial Insights with TomRicketts

From  Group Media 9 plays 0  

Nestle Team 1 - FINAL Clipped by Diania Maisonneuve

+18 More
From  Tiffani Ogden 21 plays 0  

Quantum-Mechanical Picture of Electrons

From  Yu Kay Law 143 plays 0  


+15 More
From  Rudro Biswas 4 plays 0  


From  William Hogan 8 plays 0  

Personal Brand Video

From  Matthew Wolff 26 plays 0  


From  Spencer Pulford 8 plays 0  

Stephen Doelling - Personal Brand

+13 More
From  Stephen Doelling 10 plays


+16 More
From  Hunter Liggett 5 plays 0  

2016_10_14_T175-EmmettOMalley-esomalle (upload 10/17)

+15 More
From  Emmett O-Malley 25 plays 0  

Joe Polowsky-Personal Brand Pitch

From  Joseph Polowsky 59 plays 0  

2016_10_14_T175-JackWayne-jjwayne (upload 10/17)

From  Jack Wayne 5 plays 0  

2016_10_14_T175-JoshSmith-js235 (upload 10/17)

+17 More
From  Joshua Smith 5 plays 0  

Tom Ricketts on Dr. K's Entrepreneurial Insights Sept. 9, 2016

In this episode, Dr. K interviews Tom Ricketts, Chairman of the Chicago Cubs and a lifelong fan of the team. In 2009, he led his family’s acquisition of the team from the Tribune Co. When Tom…

From  jcei Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship & 46 plays 0  

Hoxworth, A - Crisis Management Exercise – IU-IDB SSFP

From  Group Media 2 plays 0