The third panel of the day "The Political & Legal Reform Process: Current Status & Future" featured panelists Nicholas Farrelly, Fellow at Australian National University; Harn…
A special video Keynote address from Nobel Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was the kick-off for this conference. Speaking to the U.S. Burmese population Aung San Suu Kyi urged them to remain connected…
The "Doing Business In & With Myanmar" panelists Anne M. Gillman, Burma (Myanmar) Desk Officer in the Office of ASEAN and the Pacific Basin at the U.S. Department of Commerce; Dany Khy,…
Indiana Senator Brent Waltz addressed the attendees with experiences of the Burmese people in Indiana and the progress they have made in adjusting and succeeding as a community.
U Kyaw Tin shares his experiences in serving his country from afar through various positions in other countries. He served as Myanmar’s Ambassador to Canada and the Director-General of the…
The morning panel "Contextualizing Myanmar: A Panel Discussion" held the audiences attention with panelists Nicholas Farrelly, Fellow in the College of Asia and the Pacific at the…