Search for tag: "capitalism"

Crime and Deviance

From  Gregory Kordsmeier 42 plays 0  


From  Michael Scott 31 plays 0  

10/24/16 Colloquium Series - Alex Lichtenstein: “Consumption, Productivity, and Crisis: Remaking South Africa’s Apartheid Workplace in the 1970s”

This paper explores the efforts of South African employers and the apartheid state to remake industrial relations during the 1970s in order to preserve racial capitalism. During the 1970s, South…

From  David Price 6 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Part Two

Political and Economic Systems

From  Cagri Yildirim 8 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Module 2 DRAFT 07122016 1518

From  Michael Jasiak 4,220 plays 0  

CIBER Focus: "Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Changes in Global Economic Order and Structure" with Professor Andreas Hauskrecht - November 6, 2015

With the recent signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP, a free-trade agreement signed by 12 global countries, including the U.S., Japan, Mexico, and New Zealand, Professor Hauskrecht gives a…

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 40 plays 0