Search for tag: "dashboard"

Supplier Dashboard

Use the Supplier Dashboard in BUY.IU to search…

From  Group Financial Training & Communications 201 plays

Kaltura Management Console (KMC) Overview

This video tutorial explores the various features…

From  4 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

+17 More
From  Windi Hornsby 1 plays 0  

Tuesday, February 7 Institutional diversity and the learning environment DEBRIEF

Scheduled recording

From  Patti Hammerle 3 plays 0  

Tuesday, February 7 Academic, career, and personal counseling_student health DEBRIEF

Scheduled recording

From  Patti Hammerle 3 plays 0  

Tuesday, February 7 Admissions and selection_Financial Aid and debt management DEBRIEF

Scheduled recording

From  Patti Hammerle 8 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

+18 More
From  Windi Hornsby 1 plays 0  

C533_Recorded Session 2

C533 Recorded Session 2

From  Aaron Perry 2 plays 0  

Transition to TurningPoint Cloud - IUPUI General Faculty- July 6, 2016

From  CTL Test 5 plays 0