Search for tag: "festivals"
Food security and poverty alleviation in India - IUPUI SDG Global ConversationsOriginally presented as a part of the IUPUI International Festival on February 23, 2021, and as a part of the ongoing SDG Global Conversations hosted by the IUPUI Office of International Affairs.…
From Group OIA Events
21 plays
SEM2016-2) Opening Ceremony[The audio and video streaming of this session was not fully captured due to technical difficulties.] Thursday, November 10 12:30-1:00 pm Palladium Ballroom – Live Video Streaming SEM…
From Stephen Stuempfle
14 plays
SEM2016-1) Roundtable: Ethnomusicologists on the Mall: Performing the Smithsonian Folklife Festival[The audio for the first part of this session was not captured due to AV technical difficulties.] Thursday, November 101A Thursday 8:30 am-10:30 am Roundtable Ethnomusicologists on the…
From Stephen Stuempfle
44 plays
SEM 2011-Sessions 3A & 4AThursday, November 17 3A The Inter Dimensions of Musical ImprovisationChair: Michael B Bakan, Florida State University Intercultural, Intergenerational, and Inter-Neurophysiological Encounters along…
From Stephen Stuempfle
14 plays
SEM 2013-Saturday, November 16-PM Sessions1:45 – 3:45 pm General Membership Meeting 4:00 – 5:30 pmSeeger LectureSherry Ortner (University of California, Los Angeles)“The Cultural Production of a Field of Cultural…
From Stephen Stuempfle
3 plays