Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that ties together multiple Microsoft applications and services in one location to facilitate communication and collaboration within and between units at…
Are you working on a group project and wondering how to keep organized and collaborate efficiently with other group members? Microsoft Teams at IU can help you with this! In this recording, learn…
In this video, learn more about tasks related to requesting and managing a team in Microsoft Teams at IU, including how to request a team using the Request Institutional Storage form, how to manage…
In the institutional storage environments at IU, making sure your data is available to the people who need it and unavailable to those who don't is an important part of owning storage space.…
Institutional files are moving from Box to the Google and Microsoft environments. This webinar will cover how to find your files in Google Shared drives using a web browser and through Google Drive…
Institutional files are moving from Box to the Google and Microsoft environments. This webinar will cover how to find your files using a web browser and on your desktop in Microsoft's shared…
Do you attend online Zoom meetings, but now you need to host one? How can you make it a productive meeting for you and your attendees? Zoom in to this webinar recording to learn how to be a great…
Have you been invited to Zoom meetings, but don't know how to get started? How can you be the best attendee you can be? Zoom in and watch this recorded webinar to learn how to be an awesome…
Ready to unpack after the big move? Where are your boxes and how can you
see what's in them? Plus share the contents? Attend this webinar after
your individual files have been migrated to…
Ready to unpack after the big move? Where are your boxes and how can you
see what's in them? Plus share the contents? Watch this video after
your individual files have been moved to your My…
Learn about the options available for
migrating personal files from Box at IU to either Microsoft OneDrive or
Google Drive. IU’s cloud storage agreement with Box ends in spring 2021
Photoshop? Illustrator? InDesign? They're all part of the Adobe Creative
Cloud, but what do they do? Watch this quick webinar to get an overview of these applications and their workspaces. To…
Your friends say they love Excel PivotTables, but all you can do is nod
and smile? Attend this quick webinar to find out what the PivotTable
excitement is all about. Learn how to get answers…
Have good data in Microsoft Excel but need to re-organize it? Or narrow
it down? View this quick webinar to learn how to see what you want to
see in Microsoft Excel. To sign up for IT…
Slides and Layouts? Transitions & Animations? How do I make a great presentation? Watch this quick webinar and jump into Microsoft PowerPoint presentations!
To sign up for IT…