Search for tag: "excel"
Getting Started with Microsoft Excel Webinar - April 14th, 2020Rows & columns? Numbers & letters? Formulas & functions? How do I even get started in Microsoft Excel? Watch this quick webinar and jump into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets! To sign…
From Group IT Training Video
139 plays
Getting Started with Pivot Tables Webinar - April 21st, 2020Your friends say they love Excel PivotTables, but all you can do is nod and smile? Attend this quick webinar to find out what the PivotTable excitement is all about. Learn how to get answers…
From Group IT Training Video
167 plays
Getting Started with Sorting and Filtering in Excel Webinar - April 16th, 2020Have good data in Microsoft Excel but need to re-organize it? Or narrow it down? View this quick webinar to learn how to see what you want to see in Microsoft Excel. To sign up for IT…
From Group IT Training Video
104 plays
In Class Saver - Excel 4 - Part 2- K200This video demonstrates how to: Insert Table; Table Design Ribbon; Total Row; Total Row: Sum, Min, Max; Copy/Paste variables; Currency & Accounting in Number Section; Filter; Remove table
From Margaret Lion
145 plays
In-Class-Saver-Excel-4-Part-1-K200This video demonstrates how to: Create an IF function; Use Conditional Formatting
From Margaret Lion
188 plays
In Class Saver - Excel 3 - K200Using Excel 2019, this video demonstrates how to: Use Function Library; Use PMT Function; Copy worksheet; Format titles; Rename worksheets; Color worksheet tabs
From Margaret Lion
276 plays
In-Class-Saver-Excel-2-K200Using Excel 2019, this video demonstrates how to: Create clustered column chart; change chart style; change chart color; create percentage formula; and anchor cell.
From Margaret Lion
193 plays
Excel: Working with Data - Organizing Source Data for PivotTablesExplore how to organize source data in PivotTables in Excel.
From Group IT Training Video
178 plays
Excel: Working With Data - Splitting Cell ContentsExplore how to split up data from a single cell into multiple cells in Excel.
From Group IT Training Video
398 plays
Excel: Working with Data - Working with Data and Formulas Across WorksheetsThis video walks you through working with data and formulas across multiple worksheets in Excel.
From Group IT Training Video
219 plays
K200 - Excel - In Class Saver 4In this video you will learning: IF Function; Conditional Formatting; Table Creation & Table Uses; Total Row; Label Arrows > View and Filter Data; Copying from Table; Sorting Data; Filtering…
From Margaret Lion
69 plays
K200 - Excel - In Class Saver 3Video covers: 1. PMT function; 2. Creating several PMT functions for comparison
From Margaret Lion
67 plays