How do I get ready for moving day? Where are my boxes and folders and
labels? And how do I know if I'm sharing them with someone else? How can
I ensure that I'm packing only my things…
Demonstrates setting up Cloudstorage and Box account at IU.
Learn about the options available for
migrating personal files from Box at IU to either Microsoft OneDrive or
Google Drive. IU’s cloud storage agreement with Box ends in spring 2021
In this IC Quick Tip, we demonstrate how to set up Box Course Folders in Canvas, how to create a new folder, and how to create student drop box folders.
Video Covers: Backing up your work in Box, both the first and second time, so you don't lose it.
Introduction to K200 video. Shows setting up Box @ IU, Cloudstorage @ IU, and finding Box in STC lab. NOTE: Yes class Website has changed.
Learn about some of the most valuable productivity tech resources available to the IU community and how to use them. You will learn how to find the resources you are looking for, use cloud…