Search for tag: "kentucky"

Dr. James Ziliak and Dr. Charles Hokayem, "Kentucky Research Data Center Infosession" (IU Workshop in Methods, 2017-09-22)

Friday, September 22, 2017 Dr. James Ziliak and Dr. Charles Hokayem, "Kentucky Research Data Center Infosession" Social Science Research Commons (Woodburn Hall 200), 2pmThe Kentucky…

From  Group Social Science Research Commons 10 plays

CGSL Website Videos - "History of the CGSL" 6/7/17

2017_06_07_History of CGSL upload 9/6 (Dick Canada)

From  Group Center for Global Sales Leadership 10 plays 0  

D 514 Intro

From  Ashley Cory 5 plays 0  


From  Lisa Wagnes 5 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

+16 More
From  Alfio Saitta 3 plays 0  

Year 1 - Explore Your Interests

From  Renee Petrina 4 plays 0