Search for tag: "philanthropy"

Yasmin Doghri - Self-signalling behaviour and donation causes among Muslim Donors: Evidence from the Field.

A semi-public donation setting, i.e., when…

From  Group SOP Communications 9 plays 0  

Eric John Abrahamson - Private Markets and Private Philanthropy: Higher Education, Government, and Industry and the Changing Institutional Landscape for Innovation in the United States, 1980-2024”

Zoom Recording ID: 89410160083 UUID:…

From  Group SOP Communications 12 plays 0  

Daniel Balliet- The Cooperation Databank: How Machine Readable Science can Stimulate Scientific Progress and Insights in Understanding Cooperation

Balliet provides a brief overview of the…

From  Group SOP Communications 7 plays 0  

Jaclyn Piatak - Strategic Volunteer Management

Dr. Piatak shares a volunteer management approach…

From  Group SOP Communications 12 plays 0  

Tony Cookson - Money to Burn: Crowdfunding Wildfire Recovery

Professor Cookson will be discussing his research…

From  Group SOP Communications 9 plays 0  

Emily Barman - A history of the nonprofit sector through the lens of framing charity scandals as “moral panics"

Professor Cookson will be discussing his research…

From  Group SOP Communications 5 plays 0  

Mark Sidel - Political Control and the Regulation of Nonprofits in China and India: New Developments and Comparative Perspectives

Professor Sidel’s presentation will focus…

From  Group SOP Communications 18 plays 0  

Claire Dunning - Funding the Urban North: Philanthropy, Policy, and Racial Equity "After" Civil Rights

Dunning will discuss how philanthropy shaped U.S.…

From  Group SOP Communications 44 plays 0  

Scott Winship - Measuring the Social Capital of People and Places

Scott Winship will summarize his work with others…

From  Group SOP Communications 37 plays 0  

David Suarez - Democratizing the Plutocracy? Philanthropic Foundations and the Emergence of Participatory Grantmaking

A growing number of private foundations are…

From  Group SOP Communications 28 plays 0  

Bhekinkosi Moyo and Wycliffe Ouma - Thirty Years of the Ford Foundation in Southern Africa and Implications for Foundation Funding in Africa in the Next Three Decades

The study uses historical grants data from 1953…

From  Group SOP Communications 15 plays 0  

Maarten B.T. de Groot - Giving: Good for the Donee, but also for the Donor

Multi-year research, interviewing and analyzing…

From  Group SOP Communications 52 plays 0  

Lauren Carruth - Refugees without Refuge: Migration as Escape When Asylum and Protection Fail

Carruth looks at how asylum systems might change…

From  Group SOP Communications 36 plays 0  

Jennifer Wei & Kathleen Badejo - Organizational Strengthening for Nonprofits: Lessons and Trends

Wei and Badejo share trends & practices in…

From  Group SOP Communications 33 plays 0  

Bruce McDonald & David Lasby - Shifting Power Dynamics: Benchmarking Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Practices in the Canadian Nonprofit Sector

Zoom Recording ID: 83484600218 UUID:…

From  Group SOP Communications 23 plays 0  

Dana Brakman - For-Profit Philanthropy: Elite Power and the Threat of Limited Liability Companies, Donor Advised Funds, and Strategic Corporate Philanthropy

Zoom Recording ID: 84378074857 UUID:…

From  Group SOP Communications 47 plays 0  

Philanthropy Research Workshop with Dr. Kilinc - March 28, 2023

Ramazan Kilinc and colleagues examine Catholicism…

From  Group SOP Communications 44 plays 0  

Indiana University School of Art, Architecture + Design Gift Announcement

As part of Indiana University's annual…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 75 plays 0  

Partners in Philanthropy Awards 2018

On Thursday, June 7, Indiana University and the…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 51 plays 0  

School of Philanthropy to be Inaugurated at IUPUI

IU President Michael McRobbie and other…

+2 More
From  Group RTVS Video Archive 5 plays 0  

IU Foundation: Partners in Philanthropy

On Thursday, June 8, Indiana University and the…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 14 plays 0  

IU Foundation: Partners in Philanthropy

On Thursday, June 9, Indiana University and the…

+4 More
From  Group RTVS Video Archive 13 plays 0  

IU Foundation: Partners in Philanthropy

On Thursday, June 4, Indiana University and the…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 21 plays 0  

P105 Civil War Philanthropy

From  Genevieve Shaker 317 plays 0  

IU Foundation: Partners in Philanthropy

On Thursday, October 16, Indiana University and…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 10 plays 0