Search for tag: "phraseology"


Scheduled recording

From  Katherine Cashman 5 plays 0  

Lecturette on Writing for Decision Makers

From  David Henry 103 plays 0  

Rhetorical Situation and Correspondence PPP with recording

From  Gail Bennett 477 plays 0  


From  Jeffrey Hurt 4 plays 0  

SEM2016-12) Charles Seeger Lecture

[The audio at the very beginning of the presentations was not captured due to technical difficulties.] 4:15 pm-5:45 pm The 2016 Charles Seeger Lecture My Music Ellen Koskoff,…

From  Stephen Stuempfle 25 plays 0  

L100 04-2 Personal Rights Under the Constitution

From  James Adoba 6 plays 0  

2016_9_6_X503-Resumes_KD upload 9/15

From  Group Media 6 plays 0  

FacutlySession 8/9/2016

From  Group Media 1 plays 0