Search for tag: "production and administration of arts and culture"

Tuesday, February 7 Admissions and selection_Financial Aid and debt management

Scheduled recording

From  Patti Hammerle 12 plays 0  

Lecture History of GPO and FDLP

Covers the history of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), previously the Government Printing Office and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

From  Andrea Morrison 21 plays 0  

F151 Financial Aid Marvin Smith Overview

From  James Adoba 431 plays 0  

2016_5_20_Compass1-ElevatorPitch-YongbinJin-jin25 (upload 5/20)

From  Yongbin Jin 4 plays 0  

Campus Campaign 2015

A call to action for the IU South Bend campus community for the Campus Campaign.

From  Joel Langston 18 plays 0