Friday, February 9, 2018 Helge-Johannes Marahrens, "Introduction to Python for Social Scientists" 2-4pm, Social Science Research Commons Grand Hall (Woodburn Hall 200)This workshop is…
Friday, March 23, 2018 Dr. John Kruschke, "Analyzing ordinal data with metric models: What could possibly go wrong?" 2-4pm, Social Science Research Commons Grand Hall (Woodburn Hall…
Friday, February 23, 2018 Dr. Olga Scrivner, "Introduction to Web Scraping Using Python" 2-4pm, Social Science Research Commons Grand Hall (Woodburn Hall 200)In this workshop, you will…
This talk will present a set of standards for the replication documentation (data, code, and supporting information) that authors should assemble and make public when they release studies reporting…
Python is a widely used, general purpose programming language. This workshop will introduce the basic elements of Python that are commonly used for data cleaning, analysis, visualization, and other…
Logistic regression is a commonly used type of analysis in the social sciences and other fields in which the outcome of interest is dichotomous. This workshop takes a hands-on approach to utilizing…