Search for tag: "windows"

Mail Merge Update

Margaret Lion walks through the basics of creating a mail merge in Word for Windows.

+7 More
From  Margaret Lion 803 plays 0  

K200 - Needed Skills

Demonstrates needed skills on a PC computer such as viewing folders, showing the Desktop, and parts of the task bar.

+7 More
From  Margaret Lion 294 plays 0  

K200 - Create K200 Folders on Computer - 2

Continues demonstrating creating folders and using Windows on a PC.

+6 More
From  Margaret Lion 371 plays 0  

K200 Windows 10

Manipulating Windows; Alt-Tab; Minimize, Maximize, Restore Down, & Close buttons; Moving windows; Views: Icon; List; Details. Created - 2018 Aug 26 04:00:56

+5 More
From  Margaret Lion 17 plays 0  

Installing a Digital Certificate using Windows

Learn how to install your digital certificate with Outlook 2016 on Windows so you can digitally sign your emails with this video.

From  Group IT Training Video 1,080 plays 1  

2016_12_2_X447-MatthewIlicic-milicic (upload 12/2)

From  Matthew Ilicic 8 plays 0  


From  Gary Kern 94 plays 0  

Issue 007 - No internet access disables highlighting tools in PDF Aloud.mp4

From  Tomas Gregg 0 plays 0  

System Log Review

Links in this video:IU Policy IT-12: Log-ALERT with Splunk configurations: IU Log-ALERT site: Protect IU best practices guide:…

From  Group IT Training Video 129 plays 0