Jim Davis: Spaces over a category1
From James Davis December 6th, 2019
The nonconnective K-spectrum of a small additive category constructed by Pedersen-Weibel, A Nonconnective Delooping of Algebraic K-theory. -
From James Davis September 20th, 2019
The first three weeks of the course were not filmed (handwritten notes available upon request). Topics included the definition of a G-CW-complex (built from cells of… -
From James Davis October 2nd, 2019
One can find a lot of info on Compactly Generated Weak Hausdorff spaces on the web (especially the notes of Strickland), but one can start with the books of May and… -
From James Davis December 9th, 2019
Equivariant homology theories were defined in Lück, Chern characters for proper equivariant homology theories and applications to K- and L-theory, but… -
From James Davis December 11th, 2019
Lück has several surveys on the Farrell-Jones Conjecture on his website. -
From James Davis November 11th, 2019
For homotopy colimits and limits, I like the approach of Davis-Lück the best. The classical reference is Bousfield-Kan, Homotopy Limits, Completions and… -
From James Davis November 13th, 2019
The proof of the ladder and gluing lemmas can be found in May-Ponto More Concise Algebraic Topology. -
From James Davis November 18th, 2019
References for this material are given in the book by Strom mentioned above as well as Munson-Volic Cubical Homotopy Theory. I don't know the geodesic route to… -
From James Davis October 7th, 2019
A good reference for exactness properties of classical colimits and limits is Weibel's book An Introduction to Homological Algebra. -