Cohomology of Groups
From James Davis September 20th, 2019
262 plays
From James Davis September 20th, 2019
The first three weeks of the course were not filmed (handwritten notes available upon request). Topics included the definition of a G-CW-complex (built from cells of the form D^n \times G/H) and the definition of a weak G-homotopy equivalence of G-spaces. (Recall a map of spaces f: X \to Y is a weak homotopy equivalence (whe) if X and Y are both empty or if for every x \in X, the induced map \pi_*(X,x) \to \pi_*(Y,f(x)) is a bijection. A whe of G-spaces is a G-map X \to Y so that for every subgroup H <G of G, the map X^H \to Y^H is a whe.) I then outlined a proof of the G-Whitehead Theorem; a G-map Y \to Z is a whe iff for any G-CW-complex X, the map [X,Y] \to [X,Z] is bijective.