The Veritas Forum at Indiana University
From Group RTVS Video Archive December 4th, 2017
23 plays
From Group RTVS Video Archive December 4th, 2017
Is Science Enough? A Conversation on Naturalism, Faith, and Meaning
The 2015 Veritas Forum at IU features a panel discussion with IU Professors of differing worldviews (two Christians and two metaphysical naturalists) on the topic "Is Science Enough: A Conversation on Naturalism, Faith, and Meaning." The panelists are Colin Allen (Cognitive Science), John Beggs (Biophysics), Timothy O’Connor (Philosophy), and Tom Schoenemann (Anthropology). The panel will be Moderated by Candy Gunther Brown (Religious Studies).
The 2015 Veritas Forum at IU is sponsored by IUSA, the Veritas Forum ( and is produced in partnership by Cru, Chi Alpha, Connexion, Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Sherwood Oaks Christian Church, and the Secular Alliance at Indiana University.