As anyone who follows the real news about the current state of nature,
it is in a precarious state. Since humans are part of nature, the future
of humanity is also precarious. For many years now, scientist have
documented so many instances of environmental devastation that would be
painful to assemble a comprehensive list. In this presentation I will
use the story lines that thread through the first three presentations to
illustrate the fundamental processes inherent in all natural systems
that occur across all scales from the biochemistry of a single cell up
to entire ecosystems. I will also discuss how humanity has unwittingly
used fossil fuels to avoid abiding by the fundamental rules of nature to
the point that we are now watching it collapse around us. In
particular, I will focus on the role of recycling, which is central to
resilience of all biological systems. I will discuss how by focusing on
recycling, we may be able to turn the tide before the tapestry of life
unravels and our thread in that tapestry becomes so frayed that nature
omits us from future iterations.
Part of the series, “An Exploration of Biological Resilience”