Search for tag: "School of Public Health"
IUEDP 2019 CollageThis video features a collage of photos from the 2019 Indiana University Executive Development Program. The collage of photos show attendees participating in classes, attending event sessions,…
From James Maciukenas
80 plays
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health christened during naming ceremonyIndiana University leaders are announcing the names of its two new schools of public health this week. "Indiana University's two new schools of public health will allow us to more…
From Group RTVS Video Archive
15 plays
HPER Renamed as School of Public Health-BloomingtonWith Friday's formal naming ceremony, Indiana University Bloomington's venerable School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation received a new name, IU School of Public…
From Group RTVS Video Archive
105 plays
School of Public Health Bloomington - Graduate Recognition Ceremony 2018The Indiana University School of Public Health - Bloomington will celebrate the accomplishments of its graduating class of students with a Recognition Ceremony for the Class of 2018.
From Group RTVS Video Archive
54 plays
School of Public Health Bloomington - Graduate Recognition CeremonyThe Indiana University School of Public Health - Bloomington will celebrate the accomplishments of its graduating class of students with a Recognition Ceremony for the Class of 2017.
From Group RTVS Video Archive
2 plays
Second Place_2016 World AIDS Day PSA - Indiana UniversityThis video includes members of the Health and Wellness office’s Peer Health and Wellness Educators stating our experience about educating our peers about sexual health. We are raising awareness…
From Group SPH Online Education
7 plays
First Place_2016 World Aids Day PSA - Indiana UniversityWorld AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV. This video offers motivation and encouragement for why individuals…
From Group SPH Online Education
13 plays
SPH-B Employee Compliance Training for October 2016.SPH-B Employee Compliance Training for October 2016. Though this is a New Employee Compliance Orientation (NECO) presentation, it is required for all current SPH-B employees. By viewing this in…
From Bernadette de Leon
100 plays
SPH eDossier Training / Presentation on February 20, 2015 - Clipped by Bernadette de LeonExecutive Associate Dean, Dr. Kathleen Gilbert, did a presentation to the School of Public Health faculty on a school system that is designed to mimic Indiana University's eDossier system for…
From Bernadette de Leon
32 plays