Search for tag: "plants"

The 'Os-som-ness' of Plants

Here is an easy, fun science experiment that can be done from home! Watch to learn more about an important science idea called --- osmosis.

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From  Olivia Oster 8 plays 0  

4.8 Newtons Method, Trig Function M215.mp4

+15 More
From  Roberta Roswell 118 plays 0  

SEM 2014-Thursday, November 13-PM Session

1:45 – 3:45 pmCritical Perspectives on Ethnomusicological TheoryChair: Deborah Wong, University of California, Riverside1:45 Knowledge and Power in Early EthnomusicologyKatie J. Graber,…

From  Stephen Stuempfle 35 plays 0  

SEM 2014-Friday, November 14-PM Sessions

1:45 – 3:45 pmEthnomusicology and Public Policy: Intangible Cultural Heritage and Its Effects on and in the Field Chair: Anne K. Rasmussen, The College of William and Mary*Public Policy Session…

+16 More
From  Stephen Stuempfle 60 plays 0  

First Place_2016 World Aids Day PSA - Indiana University

World AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV. This video offers motivation and encouragement for why individuals…

+14 More
From  Amaury de Siqueira - Admin 13 plays 0  

Ashley Schorr

From  Nicholas Zautra 111 plays 0