Amy Blevins, MALS Associate Director for Public Services, Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Indiana University School of Medicine Amy Blevins is the Associate Director for Public Services and oversees…
In this segment, Dr. Elee Wood, from the Museum Studies Program discusses offers guidance on working with your unit level review committee as you prepare for tenure, promotion and advancement with…
In this segment, Dr. Elee Wood, from the the Museum Studies Program discusses her journey to Associate and Full Professor using her publiclly engaged work as the foundation. In the presentation,…
In this segment, Dr. Laura Holzman, from the Herron School of Art and Design, discusses her path to Associate Professor as a public scholar giving specific attention to key strategies she used, as…
Executive Associate Dean, Dr. Kathleen Gilbert, did a presentation to the School of Public Health faculty on a school system that is designed to mimic Indiana University's eDossier system for…