10:51duration 10 minutes 51 seconds
University of Utah: Lisa Taylor-Swanson -…
University of Utah: Lisa Taylor-Swanson - MenoGap, Acupuncture
UofU Profile Page:…
01:18:53duration 1 hour 18 minutes
2024.02 - IN-CIMH Monthly Meeting
Zoom Recording ID: 81153932163 UUID:…
14:03duration 14 minutes 3 seconds
Dr. Carol Dellinger - Acupuncture
IU Profile:…
12:29duration 12 minutes 29 seconds
Jennifer Stone - Acupuncture
45:43duration 45 minutes 43 seconds
PM&R Grand Rounds - Acupuncture for Chronic…
PM&R Grand Rounds - Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: What's the Point? Is There One? - Dr. Christina Groves
Recorded on 8.23.22