Search for tag: "authorities"

Signature Authority

From  Jennifer Weddle 15 plays 0  

M04V03-Needs Theory

From  Ernest O'Boyle 1,174 plays 0  

Light Hadrons Physics at e+ e− Colliders

seminar by A. Kupsc.

From  Vincent Mathieu 16 plays 0  

POLS-Y 318 - The Powers of the Presidency

+16 More
From  Scott Lee 60 plays

Topic J: Periodic Reporting Requirements of 1934 Act: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Part 3

From  Frank Sullivan 121 plays 0  


From  Gregory Kordsmeier 40 plays 0  


From  Amy Hayes 3 plays 0  

03/06/2017 Colloquium Series - John Ferejohn: “California’s Groundwater: A Political Economy”

It is widely believed that water is badly misallocated in California because it is mispriced, resulting in too much agricultural use. At the same time, however, California’s groundwater…

From  David Price 8 plays 0  

Back Home in Indiana Alliance Olmstead Decision

Back Home in Indiana Alliance Olmstead Decision

From  Group soeadmin 7 plays 0  

Tour of New England

+16 More
From  Andy Baker 34 plays

Division Minilessons p2

Young Mathematicians at Work. Division Minilessons Part 2

+14 More
From  Group soeadmin 4 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Module 1 NEW

+15 More
From  Michael Jasiak 3,511 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Module 1 NEW DRAFT 02032017 1202 3 dB Boost

+15 More
From  Michael Jasiak 2 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Module 1 NEW DRAFT 01262017 1457

+15 More
From  Michael Jasiak 6 plays 0  

Being There 7

+15 More
From  Dennis Bingham 1 plays 0  

L100 09-2 Agents and Third Parties

From  James Adoba 6 plays 0  

Ch. 35 The Principal - Agent Relationship

From  James Adoba 15 plays 0  

FSC 1-3 Commerce & Social Value

Module 1: Commerce & Social Value

+16 More
From  James Adoba 29 plays 0  

2016_10_18_T175-MeganMorris-megrmorr (upload 10/18)

From  Megan Morris 4 plays 0  

2016_10_18_T175-PranitaSarangabany-psaranga (upload 10/18)

From  Pranita Sarangabany 4 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 10 - Part 3

From  Michael Jasiak 1,702 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 10 - Module 3 DRAFT w SCOTUS IMAGES 10102016 1036

From  Michael Jasiak 0 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Alfio Saitta 11 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 8 - Part 2

From  Michael Jasiak 1,913 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 8 - Part 1

+17 More
From  Michael Jasiak 1,878 plays 0