Search for tag: "coca-cola company"


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From  Duohong Xia 4 plays 0  

W200 19-2 Advertising and Sales Promotion

From  James Adoba 71 plays 0  

W200 17-2 Breakeven & Profitability

From  James Adoba 79 plays 0  

W200 16-2 New Product Development

From  James Adoba 83 plays 0  

CIBER Focus: "Coca-Cola & The Global Market" with Joanna Lu - Oct. 13, 2016

In this interview, Joanna Lu draws from over 20 years’ experience as a global marketer to share her insights into The Coca-Cola Company’s ability to find success globally and offers…

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 67 plays 0  

X100 19-2 Advertising and Sales Promotion

Lecture 19: Marketing Mix: Promotion

From  James Adoba 36 plays 0  

X100 17-2 Breakeven & Profitability

Lecture 17: Marketing Mix: Price

From  James Adoba 19 plays 0  

X100 16-2 New Product Development

Lecture 16: Marketing Mix: The Product Enter Description...

From  James Adoba 17 plays 0  

2016_10_13_CIBERFocus - JoannaLu upload 11/22

From  Group Media 13 plays 0