Search for tag: "advertising"

2017_08_14-CPCS-BusinessWritingTips-ReviseandEdit 2_Upload 8/23

Writing Tip #1

From  Judy Steiner-Williams 21 plays 0  

Getting Started with the IU Web Framework

This is a recording of the IT Training webinar…

From  Group IT Training Video 1,124 plays 0  

Inaugural Ostrom Workshop Colloquium on Cybersecurity and Internet Governance

Governing the Flow: Power, Information, and Rules…

+16 More
From  David Price 8 plays 0  

Scotts Team 2 presentation - FINAL Clipped by Diania Maisonneuve

Scheduled recording

+32 More
From  Tiffani Ogden 4 plays 0  


+18 More
From  Alexis Linback 10 plays 0  

T175 Brand Pitch - Kaitlynn Blough

From  Kaitlynn Blough 13 plays 0  

2017_02_27_T175-SabrinaLee-sablee (upload 2/27)

From  Sabrina Lee 4 plays 0  


From  G Arave 346 plays 0  

CoursePreview Clip.

From  Regan Stevenson 214 plays 0  

W200 19-2 Advertising and Sales Promotion

From  James Adoba 72 plays 0  

W200 19-1 Introduction to Marketing Communications

From  James Adoba 84 plays 0  

X100 19-1 Introduction to Marketing Communications

Lecture 19: Marketing Mix: Promotion

From  James Adoba 23 plays 0  

X100 19-2 Advertising and Sales Promotion

Lecture 19: Marketing Mix: Promotion

From  James Adoba 36 plays 0  

FSC 5-4 The Meaning of Success

Module 5: Scaling Social Commerce

From  James Adoba 4 plays 0  

FSC 2-1 Needs & Opportunities

Module 2: Early Implementation

From  James Adoba 4 plays 0  

A186 13-3 Relevant Information for Special Decisions

From  James Adoba 25 plays 0  

A186 12-1 Cost Accumulation, Tracing and Allocation

From  James Adoba 33 plays 0  

2016_10_14_T175-JeremySchwartz-jereschw (upload 10/18)

+15 More
From  Jeremy Schwartz 3 plays 0  


From  Allison Lantz 6 plays 0  


From  Erin Poulsen 4 plays 0  


Research Guide for C104 Macy's Case

From  G Arave 384 plays 0  

2016_9_7_C575-CarolynChang-cachang (upload 9/8)

From  Carolyn Chang 2 plays 0  

3.3. - Recorded Shark Tank Presentation Video

Student Presentation from M418 Sport Marketing…

From  Antonio Williams 54 plays 0  

Brian Romoser Mock

From  Megan Alwine 5 plays 0