Search for tag: "elections"
Listening to an Election with Dr. Justin PatchWhat is the sound of a political campaign? How does sound studies examine what role these sounds play in building candidate support and creating community? Dr. Justin Patch, Dr. David McDonald, and…
From Amanda Lueck
12 plays
09/11/2017 Colloquium Series: David Stadelmann Department of Economics, University of Bayreuth:“Politicians Change Their Behavior and Seek the Public Interest after Achieving Office”Do newly elected politicians correspond to the public interest after achieving political office? We show that politicians change their behavior once changing from one elected office to another. In…
From David Price
22 plays
2014 IU Trustee Election - Candidate ForumIndiana University alumni hosted an IU Trustee candidate forum at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, June 6, with the two candidates for the IU Board of Trustees, Andrew Baldwin and Pat Shoulders. The forum will…
From Group RTVS Video Archive
4 plays
IUB Undergraduate Commencement - Afternoon SessionCommencement at Indiana University has always been a celebration of student achievement. It represents both years of hard work and a future of great potential as IU graduates prepare to embark on a…
From Group RTVS Video Archive
9 plays
IUB Undergraduate Commencement - Morning SessionCommencement at Indiana University has always been a celebration of student achievement. It represents both years of hard work and a future of great potential as IU graduates prepare to embark on a…
From Group RTVS Video Archive
16 plays
Global Perspectives Series: Richard G. LugarWednesday, April 23, 2014Senator Richard G. Lugar is a fifth generation Hoosier who served 36 years in the U.S. Senate. He retired in 2013 as the longest serving member of Congress in Indiana history…
From Group RTVS Video Archive
1 plays
04/12/2017 Ostrom Memorial Lecture - Kenneth Shepsle: "Rule Breaking and Political Imagination"This lecture is based on a soon-to-appear book of stories about institutions and how they sometimes fail to perform in ways we expect. Institutions have figured prominently in theories of politics…
From David Price
52 plays
04/03/2017 Colloquium Series - Robert Fleck: “Increasing the Value of Property Rights by Limiting Transferability”We examine non-price allocation mechanisms when the incentive and information constraints faced by a democratic government may render the ideal (i.e., “first-best”) outcomes…
From David Price
6 plays
03/25/2017 Russian Studies Workshop - The Political Economy Of Contemporary AutocracyThe persistence of autocratic regimes in the context of modern societies creates significant challenges for social science theory and empirical research. The panelists will address these challenges…
From David Price
14 plays
02/20/2017 Colloquium Series - Susan Williams: “Dialogic Democracy, Feminist Theory, and Women’s Participation in Constitution-Making”The paper describes and analyzes women’s participation in the recent constitutional amendment process in Liberia and argues that a feminist, dialogic model best captures the lessons learned…
From David Price
7 plays
Submarine Sandwiches p2Carol Mosesson's 4th - 5th Grade Introduction to the Submarine Sandwiches Part 2 of 4
From Group soeadmin
12 plays
01/23/2017 Colloquium Series - F. Andrew Hanssen: “Engineering the Rule of Law in Ancient Athens”Scholars typically regard the “rule of law”—a stable and predictable process by which laws are implemented, enforced, and changed—as a cornerstone of good governance and a…
From David Price
20 plays