Search for tag: "industrials"

Buying a camera

A short video to help you shop for a camera

+14 More
From  Jennifer Greenburg 48 plays 0  

Logitech c930 in IP 118

From  James McGookey 1 plays 0  


From  Gary Kern 45 plays 0  


From  Hui Ying Ng 5 plays 0  

Coaching Assignment

+16 More
From  Sahil Patel 2 plays 0  

Close Captioning in Kaltura

From  William Radell 32 plays 0  


From  Nicholas Zautra 1 plays 0  

The Elevator Pitch

Your elevator pitch from the perspective of the recruiter.

From  Group Undergraduate Career Services (UCS) 238 plays


No! The title does not explain what capitalized interest is. In this case, it's not about the grammar or punctuation.

From  Douglas Barney 194 plays 0