Search for tag: "integration and employment"

The Arrival

From  Missy Ritchie 133 plays 0  

Effectively Answering Questions

From  Missy Ritchie 126 plays 0  

End the Interview Strongly

From  Missy Ritchie 129 plays 0  


From  Group Media 2 plays 0  


From  Group Media 2 plays 0  

CIBER Internship with Soapy Soap

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 4 plays 0  

GCS - Maximizing Your Summer Internship - 4.17.17

From  Megan Alwine 46 plays 0  


From  Karn Sharma 7 plays 0  

Daniel Morefield Compass I Brand Pitch

From  Daniel Morefield 28 plays 0  


From  Junhao Ma 8 plays 0  


From  Sarah Ackerman 3 plays 0  

Accounting is a great career choice!

Open your mind and heart to fun, excitement, and a rewarding career! A311 is a major step in your adventure!

From  Douglas Barney 358 plays 0  

2016_12_2_X447-RebeccaSilbar-rsilbar (upload 12/2)

From  Rebecca Silbar 2 plays 0  

2016_12_2_X447-SeanMcGrath-stmcgrat (upload 12/2)

From  Sean McGrath 2 plays 0  

2016_12_2_X447-TylerKaufman-tykaufma (upload 12/2)

From  Tyler Kaufman 3 plays 0  

2016_10_18_T175-JaysonGreen-greenjaa (upload 10/18)

From  Jayson Green 4 plays 0  

2016_10_14_T175-NicoleRyan-nikiryan (upload 10/17)

From  Nicole Ryan 8 plays 0  

CIBER Internship Program

Indiana University’s Center for International Business Education and Research (IU CIBER) Internship Program provides a competitive playing field for local Indiana small-and medium-sized…

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 132 plays 0  

The Ins and Outs of Interviewing

From  Group Completion & Student Success 2,868 plays 0  

Career EDGE - Interviewing Strategies

From  Group Completion & Student Success 21 plays 0  

2016_9_SoapySoapCIBER-Intern-Promo-v2 rough upload 10/4

From  Group Media 13 plays 0  

What to Expect the First Week

Congrats on getting the position! Now what do you expect your first weeks on the job?

From  Group Undergraduate Career Services (UCS) 23 plays

Finding the Fit

Finding the cultural fit with a company or position. Yes, it is a thing.

From  Group Undergraduate Career Services (UCS) 50 plays

Introducing Yourself

Introducing yourself to a company representative.

From  Group Undergraduate Career Services (UCS) 267 plays

2016_3_15_UCSO - Tehanee's Series_Students - Job Search (upload 6/28)

From  Group Media 4 plays 0