23:54duration 23 minutes 54 seconds
Career Planning Strategies Presentation Aug 17,…
Career Planning Strategies Presentation Aug 17, 2020
Career planning overview presented to new students during orientation.
10:42duration 10 minutes 42 seconds
CIBER Focus: "Startup Companies and…
CIBER Focus: "Startup Companies and Entrepreneurship in Palestine - Part 3" with Claudia Alawi - November 19, 2017
Claudia Alawi has a background in computer systems engineering and has worked with the United Nations in Palestine. She also worked as a software consultant in the U.K. before returning…
04:53duration 4 minutes 53 seconds
2017_02_01_X574-CourseIntro-MeganAlwine (upload…
2017_02_01_X574-CourseIntro-MeganAlwine (upload 2/7)
2017_02_01_X574-CourseIntro-MeganAlwine (upload 2/6)
14:31duration 14 minutes 31 seconds
2016_12_2_X447-JonGoldenberg-jongolde (upload…
2016_12_2_X447-JonGoldenberg-jongolde (upload 12/2)
12:56duration 12 minutes 56 seconds
Coaching Assignment
00:48duration 48 seconds
2016_10_12_T175-ZacharyWarner-zjwarner (upload…
2016_10_12_T175-ZacharyWarner-zjwarner (upload 10/14)
06:07duration 6 minutes 7 seconds
01:41duration 1 minute 41 seconds
What Recruiters Look For
What DO the recruiters look for?
02:00duration 2 minutes 0 seconds
The Internship Search Timeline
A look into the process.
01:17duration 1 minute 17 seconds
Does formatting really matter? Hear from our recruiters.
01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
After the Career Fair
How to follow up after the Career Fairs.
00:57duration 57 seconds
2016_5_20_Compass1-ElevatorPitch-KahmingWong-kahwong (upload 5/20)