Search for tag: "literacy"
Special Libraries Panel, LIS Industry Speaker SeriesMembers of the Indiana Chapter of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) hold a panel discussion of careers in special libraries or alternative non-library or archives contexts. …
From Group INFO-TECH
28 plays
Screenshot Video 3: Snipping Tool (For PC)Margaret Lion demonstrates taking a screenshot with the Snipping Tool and then inserting it into Microsoft Word. This tool is for PCs only. Mac users need to search for similar tools available for…
From Margaret Lion
552 plays
Screenshot Video 2: Screenshot in WordMargaret Lion demonstrates taking a screenshot using the built-in command in Microsoft Word 365. Example is shown on a PC running Windows 10.
From Margaret Lion
631 plays
Screenshot Video 1: KeyboardMargaret Lion demonstrates how to take a screenshot using a keyboard. Example is shown on a PC running Windows 10.
From Margaret Lion
818 plays
Project Video: Screenshot, Save, Submit File for GradingThis video will begin the project, demonstrating the first few steps.
From Margaret Lion
1,197 plays
Social Media Misinformation: Health, Wellness, and Questioning Your SourcesThis is the recording of the 2022 Media Literacy Week session: Social Media Misinformation: Health, Wellness, and Questioning Your Sources. Join Carol Kennedy-Armbruster, Rachel Ryder, and Margaret…
From Margaret Lion
4 plays
How to access and use Academic Search Complete in order to find scholarly articlesWhat is Academic Search Complete? How do you access it? How do you conduct a search? How do you find scholarly articles? Your questions will be answered in this video!
From Maria Accardi
41 plays
Introduction to your librarian, Maria Accardi, how librarians can help you, and how to seek library assistanceWhat is a librarian? What does a librarian do? How do you get help with finding information in the library? This video will tell you all!
From Maria Accardi
38 plays
Carrie Schwier, LIS Industry Speaker SeriesCarrie Schwier Outreach and Public Services Archivist at Indiana University Archives As the Outreach and Public Services Archivist for the IU Libraries University Archives, Carrie Schwier oversees…
From Mike Lulgjuraj
43 plays
Youth & School Library Services Panel, LIS Industry Speaker SeriesModerated by Kym Kramer, panelists include: Tara Foor, Leslie Hopper, Renee Isom, Beth Meyer, Paige Palmer, and Lindsey Walters. See Attachments for panelist profiles, the presentation slides, and…
From Mike Lulgjuraj
66 plays
Johnathan M. Torres, LIS Industry Speaker SeriesJonathan M. Torres Business and Data Services Librarian, Assistant Professor John Cotton Dana Library, Rutgers University Libraries Jonathan is the Business and Data Services Librarian, Assistant…
From Mike Lulgjuraj
34 plays
Office of Financial Wellness & Education: Saving for CollegeIU Executive Director of Financial Wellness & Education Phil Schuman and College Choice 529 Senior Institutional Relationship Manager Phillip Waddles discuss how IU students/faculty/staff can…
From Group MoneySmarts
140 plays
Student Engagement and Information LiteracyThis webinar provides an overview of the Information Literacy Topical Module including the history of its development and general results. The webinar also includes findings from…
From Group nsse
9 plays
OCQ: Instructor Question PersonalizationThis tutorial will show instructors how to add their own custom questions to the Online Course Questionnaire.
From Sarah Robertson
4 plays