Search for tag: "patenting"

2017.02.22.1630 - Admission Information Session - The Four Is

Greg CanadaAssistant Dean of Admissions

+16 More
From  Law AudioVideo 13 plays 0  

Creating and Inserting Padlet

From  Megan Tolin 49 plays 0  

2016_12_12_J375-CampbellsPresentation (upload 12/12)

From  Erin Corcoran 151 plays 0  

L100 06-3 Intentional Torts – Interference with Property Rights

+15 More
From  James Adoba 6 plays 0  

A186 06-3 Accounting for Long Term Operational Assets

From  James Adoba 48 plays 0  

Day 1 - Web of Science as a Research Dataset

This workshop brings together data scientists and data stewards from research centers that are using the Web of Science™ at scale. We will explore WoS from the perspective of a research dataset…

From  Sara Bouchard 19 plays 0  

4. Working with Patent Lawyers (1)

From  Casey Nemecek 25 plays 0  

6. Foreign Patent Practice

From  Casey Nemecek 17 plays 0  

5. Working with Patent Lawyers (2)

From  Casey Nemecek 25 plays 0  

8. Patent Litigation (2)

+15 More
From  Casey Nemecek 12 plays 0  

9. Patent Litigation (3)

From  Casey Nemecek 12 plays 0  

7. Patent Litigation (1)

From  Casey Nemecek 19 plays 0  

2. Statutory Bar

From  Casey Nemecek 28 plays 0  

1. Inventorship

From  Casey Nemecek 62 plays 0  

2016_9_22_J375-StrategicManagement-CH4p2 (upload 10/28)

+16 More
From  David Major 4 plays 0  

Alex Garanzini

From  Nicholas Zautra 133 plays 0  

2016_9_8_J375 - CH3_Internal Analysis upload 9/22

From  David Major 2 plays 0  

2015-2016 CIBER Focus Year In Review

Our year in review provides snippets of all 37 CIBER Focus videos filmed during the 2015-2016 academic year. It's a great way to get a glimpse of what the interview series offers and prioritize…

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 67 plays 0  

CIBER Focus: "IU Intellectual Property Clinic: Offering Legal Pro Bono Services for Entrepreneurs" with Professor Norman Hedges - May 3, 2016

For businesses and organizations alike, protecting ideas and intellectual property are crucial--especially for small-to-medium-sized enterprises and institutions. In order to assist and empower those…

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 85 plays 0