Search for tag: "senator"

Significant Figures - An Introduction

From  Yu Kay Law 191 plays 0  

Doing Business Right: Working Towards Zero_20170308.mp4

Doing Business Right: Working Towards Zero - Environmental Health and Safety play a large role in running an efficient, sustainable, and responsible business. Learn how a multinational company works…

From  Krista Bailey 9 plays 0  

L100 09-3 A Discussion with a Federal Judge

From  James Adoba 6 plays 0  

Evan Bayh (2012), A Conversation with Evan Bayh

Birch Bayh Lecture Series - Inaugural Birch Bayh Lecture

From  lawlref LawLib reference 7 plays 0  


From  Jeff Taylor 5,668 plays

Sandra Day O'Connor: First Female Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

From Makers: Women Who Make America

From  Scott Lee 150 plays 0  

CIBER Doing Business Conference: Myanmar - Senator Brent Waltz Address

Indiana Senator Brent Waltz addressed the attendees with experiences of the Burmese people in Indiana and the progress they have made in adjusting and succeeding as a community.

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 9 plays