Search for tag: "swimming"

Laine Deppe & Margaret Lion Discuss Aquaman Part 5

This video set features Lanie Deppe, Athletic Performance Coach at Indiana University, discusses training Aquaman with Margaret Lion. This Aquaman series has five videos ranging in topic from…

+9 More
From  Margaret Lion 15 plays 0  

Laine Deppe & Margaret Lion Discuss Aquaman Part 4

This video set features Lanie Deppe, Athletic Performance Coach at Indiana University, discusses training Aquaman with Margaret Lion. This Aquaman series has five videos ranging in topic from…

+9 More
From  Margaret Lion 14 plays 0  

Laine Deppe & Margaret Lion Discuss Aquaman Part 3

This video set features Lanie Deppe, Athletic Performance Coach at Indiana University, discusses training Aquaman with Margaret Lion. This Aquaman series has five videos ranging in topic from…

+9 More
From  Margaret Lion 15 plays 0  

Laine Deppe & Margaret Lion Discuss Aquaman Part 2

In this video Lanie Deppe, Athletic Performance Coach at Indiana University, discusses training Aquaman with Margaret Lion. This Aquaman series has five videos ranging in topic from character traits…

+8 More
From  Margaret Lion 21 plays 0  


+16 More
From  William Wheeler 7 plays 0  

B111 M123 College Algebra, Linear Applic, 1 Variable, Part 2, 1.3

From  Roberta Roswell 139 plays 0  

Practicum 4-2 by Vincent Mathieu

Presentation of Cesar's Mathematica on complex angular momentum

From  Vincent Mathieu 5 plays 0  

c101 Ch 2 V 6

+15 More
From  Kimberly Arnold 1,296 plays 0  

M215_4.1 Application of Critical Pt & Extreme Values

From  Roberta Roswell 156 plays 0  

Kaylee Rodell's Brand Pitch

+18 More
From  Kaylee Rodell 12 plays 0  

Kaylee Rodell's Brand Pitch

+15 More
From  Kaylee Rodell 5 plays 0  


From  Joseph Kucharczyk 5 plays 0  


From  Benjamin Epstein 56 plays 0  

Nancy Hogshead-Makar (2016), Title IX’s Heavy Lift for Coaches: Why Don’t the Most Successful Women’s Coaches Have Job Security?

Birch Bayh Lecture Series

From  lawlref LawLib reference 17 plays 0  

2016_10_19_T175-SamHagedorn-samhage (upload 10/19)

+15 More
From  Samuel Hagedorn 4 plays 0  


+15 More
From  Michael Petrosinelli 5 plays 0  

2016_10_17_T175-TrevorWalker-tredwalk (upload 10/17)

From  Trevor Walker 7 plays 0  


From  Christine Osborn 7 plays 0  

Logic: Arguments & Standard Form

From  Roberta Roswell 99 plays 0