Search for tag: "syllabus"
Keep Teaching: Using your Syllabus to Guide Course ChangesIn this webinar, you will engage in conversation about the adaptations you need to make to your course and how you will communicate those changes to your students. We will frame our conversation…
From Group CTL Group
64 plays
Comparison of inaccessible and accessible syllabi in WordIn this video, watch as Mary uses a screen reader to navigate through two different syllabi in Word, one that is inaccessible, and one that is accessible.
From Group IT Training Video
588 plays
2017-08-08 Babich Suzanne-How will we train tomorrow’s health leaders? Introducing the new Doctoral Program in Global Health Leadership (DrPH)How will we train tomorrow’s health leaders? Introducing the new Doctoral Program in Global Health Leadership (DrPH) by Suzanne Babich
From Group IU Center for Global Health
20 plays