Search for tag: "accessibility"

P&P: Inaccessible: Image

JAWS screen reading of inaccessible image in Google Docs version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 4 plays

P&P: Accessible: Image

JAWS screen reading of accessible image in Google Docs version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 4 plays

P&P: Inaccessible

JAWS screen reading of inaccessible version of Google Docs version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 7 plays 0  

P&P: Accessible

JAWS screen reading of accessible version of Google Doc of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 6 plays

Comparison of inaccessible and accessible syllabi in Word

In this video, watch as Mary uses a screen reader to navigate through two different syllabi in Word, one that is inaccessible, and one that is accessible.

From  Group IT Training Video 587 plays 0  

Web Accessibility Evaluation

This video uses automatically generated captions. From time-to-time, these captions aren't completely accurate. We are currently reviewing the captions for accuracy and will add them to the…

From  Group IT Training Video 27 plays 0  

Advanced Web Accessibility

This video uses automatically generated captions. From time-to-time, these captions aren't completely accurate. We are currently reviewing the captions for accuracy and will add them to the…

From  Group IT Training Video 78 plays 0  

Introductory Web Accessibility

This video uses automatically generated captions. From time-to-time, these captions aren't completely accurate. We are currently reviewing the captions for accuracy and will add them to the…

From  Group IT Training Video 94 plays 0  

PhD Research Study_ELISD2Norman_InterviewTranscribed

Norman, Deaf, ELIS, New Jersey, New York area.

+46 More
From  Bernadette de Leon 4 plays

Tips for Designing with Accessibility and UDL in Mind

+17 More
From  Megan Tolin 14 plays 0  

Web Accessibility Basics

This brief video provides an introduction to web accessibility at Indiana University.

From  Group IT Training Video 543 plays 0  

Canvas Showcase - 2016-17 Version

Learn more about the resources in the 2016-17 academic year version of the Canvas Showcase. Showcase resources are available through Canvas Commons for import into any course site.

+16 More
From  Group eLearning Design & Services 70 plays 0  

Captioning Videos in Kaltura Webinar

This webinar explains how to use captions to make videos more accessible to deaf and hearing impaired users. It also reviews how to caption videos using Katura's Cielo Editor.

+6 More
From  Group IT Training Video 201 plays 0