Search for tag: "uits"

K200 - Navigate IUware

Demonstrates finding IUware and downloading Office 365.

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From  Margaret Lion 690 plays 0  

A Day of Commemoration - Big Red 200 Supercomputer Dedication Ceremony

Big Red 200 is one of the fastest university-owned artificial intelligence supercomputers in the nation. It will support Indiana University’s advanced research in AI, machine learning, data…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 66 plays 0  

Uploading media to your new channel

In this video, we show you how to upload new podcast episodes to your podcasting channel.

From  patproct 66 plays 0  

Installing a Digital Certificate on an Android Device

Learn how to install your digital certificate on an Android device so you can digitally sign your emails. Two separate methods are covered in this video, demonstrated on two different Android…

From  Group IT Training Video 575 plays 0  

Installing a Digital Certificate using MacOS

Learn how to install your digital certificate with Outlook 2016 on MacOS so you can digitally sign your emails with this video.

+3 More
From  Group IT Training Video 858 plays 0  

Installing a Digital Certificate on an iOS Device

At IU, it's a good idea to make sure your emails are signed with your digital certificate. In this video, you'll learn how to install and set up a digital certificate on an iOS device.

From  Group IT Training Video 583 plays 0  

Adobe Connect Recordings

This video tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on accessing and downloading your converted Adobe Connect recordings. If you are unable to locate your files or need additional assistance,…

From  Group eLearning Design & Services 112 plays 0  

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

Links in this video:Protect IU website: Disaster Recovery Planning resources: Business Continuity Planning help and resources: Contacts mentioned in…

From  Group IT Training Video 167 plays 0  

UITS HELPnet Training Series - Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac

This video overviews how to setup and configure a remote desktop connection using Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac. Background: HELPnet Technology Services is a cost-recovery unit within UITS that…

From  Damon Hathaway 61 plays 0  

System Log Review

Links in this video:IU Policy IT-12: Log-ALERT with Splunk configurations: IU Log-ALERT site: Protect IU best practices guide:…

From  Group IT Training Video 129 plays 0  

Patch Management Resources

Links in this video:IU Policy IT-12: Unified Device Management (UDM) at IU: UDM Service Overview: Protect IU best practices guide:…

From  Group IT Training Video 87 plays 0  

Mobile Security Standard

Links in this video:IU Policy IT-12: Security configs for smart phones and tablets: Stolen device help: Clear data info on the KB:…

From  Group IT Training Video 159 plays 0  

Public IP Addresses

Links in this video:Policy DM-01: Connecting to VPN: IP addresses at IUB & IUPUI: IP addresses at regional campuses: Private…

From  Group IT Training Video 151 plays 0  

Vulnerability Scans

Links in this video:Vulnerability scanners: Protect IU site: Security First site: In this video, you'll learn:why vulnerability scans are…

From  Group IT Training Video 213 plays 0  

One.IU Quickstart

In this “One.IU: Quickstart” video, you will learn exactly how to navigate the new One.IU site. Getting started is easy: just search, click, and done. Visit to get started…

From  Group IT Training Video 6,743 plays 1