06:30duration 6 minutes 30 seconds
Where do people live in the Foundry?
Created by Andy Baker, IUPUI Geography
02:37duration 2 minutes 37 seconds
2017_02_01_ProfessionalIntro-MeganAlwine (upload…
2017_02_01_ProfessionalIntro-MeganAlwine (upload 2/6)
2017_02_01_ProfessionalIntro-MeganAlwine (upload 2/1)
03:51duration 3 minutes 51 seconds
Parks and Recreation - Gryzzl Goes Too Far…
Parks and Recreation - Gryzzl Goes Too Far (Episode Highlight) 1080p
16:09duration 16 minutes 9 seconds
Eries Smith - Invitational Speech
06:43duration 6 minutes 43 seconds
Kate Niesen - Invitational Speech
17:58duration 17 minutes 58 seconds
Y103 Chapter 10 - Part 1
06:13duration 6 minutes 13 seconds
Y103 Chapter 3 - BIG Picture - Constitution DRAFT…
Y103 Chapter 3 - BIG Picture - Constitution DRAFT 08182016 1630
24:31duration 24 minutes 31 seconds
Y103 Chapter 3 - Part 2