Marian Godeke Miller Lectureship Series: Dr. John R. Finnegan
From Group RTVS Video Archive August 3rd, 2017
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From Group RTVS Video Archive August 3rd, 2017
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington is committed to advancing health and well being through collaborative research, teaching, and service with partners both locally, across Indiana, and around the globe.
Dr. John R. Finnegan, Jr., Dean & Professor, University of Minnesota School of Public Health delivered a talk entitled "The World of 2030 and What it Means for Academic Public Health" as part of the Marian Godeke Miller Lectureship Series within the IU School of Public Health - Bloomington. Dr. Finnegan is Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota and Assistant Vice President for Public Health. He holds MA and PhD degrees in Mass Communication that he earned from the University of Minnesota. He began his public health career in 1980, following a first career path as a journalist during the 1970s. As a doctoral student, media professional and later as public health faculty, he was a member of the pioneering research team that developed the Minnesota Heart Health Program (MHHP) at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
The lecture series is made possible by the support of William Miller, a Lafayette physician, and his wife, Marian, for whom the lecture series is named. Marian Miller is a School of HPER graduate who has been active in numerous civic and educational organizations, both nationally and across Indiana.